VW Passat repair

- 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
   1.1. General information
   1.2. System of the central blocking of locks
   1.3. Trunk lid or back door
   1.4. Doors
   1.5. Window regulators
   1.6. Rear-view mirrors
   1.7. Seat belts
   1.8. Head restraints
   1.9. Front seats
   1.10. Back seats
   1.11. Loading of the luggage compartment
   1.12. Parking brake
   1.13. Electronic blocking of differential
   1.14. Mechanical transmission
   1.15. Automatic transmission
   1.16. Adjustment of a steering column
   1.17. Ignition lock
   1.18. Launch of the engine
   1.19. Combination of devices
   1.20. Information display
   1.21. Switches and additional control lamps
   1.22. Switch of light of headlights and indexes of turn
   1.23. System of automatic maintenance of constant speed of the movement of the car
   1.24. Switch of cleaners and washers of wind and back glasses
   1.25. System of heating and ventilation
   1.26. Climatronic air conditioning system
   1.27. Hatch
   1.28. Plafonds of illumination of salon
   1.29. Lighter and ashtrays
   1.30. Top luggage carrier
   1.31. System of stabilization of the situation of a body
   1.32. Tires
   1.33. Fuelling
   1.34. Body cowl
   1.35. Engine oil
   1.36. Gearbox oil and liquid for the automatic transmission
   1.37. Hydraulic booster of steering
   1.38. Engine cooling system
   1.39. Brake system
   1.40. Cleaner and washer of a windshield
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits


Repair Volkswagen Passat B3-B4/Passat B3-B4>> Ekspluatatsiiya of the car>> Switch of cleaners and washers of wind and back glasses

Fig. 1.32. Provisions of the switch of cleaners and washers of wind and back glasses

The cleaner and washer of a windshield work at the included ignition. Provisions of the switch (fig. 1.32) for management of work of screenwash:
– movement of the switch up — inclusion of the single course of screenwash;
– the switch up to the first fixed situation "1" – inclusion of screenwash;
– movement of the switch up to the second fixed situation "2" – inclusion of high speed of work of a cleaner;
– movement of the switch down — inclusion of an operating mode of a cleaner with an interval of 6 pages. On some models of cars it is possible to change an interval of work of a cleaner ranging from 1,5 to 22 pages.
For installation of time of an interval make the following:
– move the switch down;
– return the switch to a starting position and through a desirable period move the switch again down. After switching off of ignition duration of a time interval is automatically transferred to the main mode – 6 pages.
At inclusion of a washer of a windshield along with it the cleaner joins. For inclusion of a washer move the switch in the direction to a steering wheel.
Temperature of heating snuffled a washer of a windshield it is regulated automatically depending on air temperature outside of the car. At a switch otpuskaniye in a starting position the washer is switched off, and the cleaner will continue to work about 4 pages.
At the included head lighting along with a washer of a windshield cleaners and a washer of headlights join.
For inclusion of a cleaner of back glass move the switch in the direction from a steering wheel — the cleaner will work with an interval of 6 pages. The cleaner is switched off by repeated pressing of the switch. For simultaneous inclusion of a cleaner and a washer of back glass move the switch in the direction from a steering wheel and hold in this situation. Period of operation of a cleaner and washer is defined by time of deduction of the switch in the pressed situation. At return of the switch to a starting position the washer is switched off — the cleaner will work about 4 more pages.