VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
- 15. Electric equipment
   + 15.1. Technical characteristics
   15.2. Security measures during the work with electric equipment
   + 15.3. Detection of not closed chain
   + 15.4. Rechargeable battery
   + 15.5. Generator
   - 15.6. Starter
      15.6.1. Repair of a starter
      15.6.2. Main malfunctions of a starter
   15.7. Block of safety locks and relay
   15.8. Replacement of the lock of ignition
   + 15.9. Switches
   + 15:10. Combination of devices
   + 15:11. Internal lighting and lighter
   + 15:12. Headlights
   + 15:13. Screenwash
   15:14. Windshield washers
   15:15. Cleaner of back glass
   + 15:16. Central lock
   + 15:17. Hatch
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits


Repair Volkswagen Passat B3-B4/Passat B3-B4>> Electric equipment>> Starter>> Main malfunctions of a starter
At inclusion of a starter the electric motor of a starter does not work
Failure of a starter or the traction relay can be the cause, and also defect can be in wires.
For failure detection at first it is necessary to check presence of tension on the plug of the traction relay. Lack of tension at inclusion of a starter demonstrates damage of an electric chain, and in the presence of tension, about malfunction of the traction relay or a starter.
If at inclusion of a starter tension moves on the traction relay, but it does not work (is not present it is characteristic click) then the traction relay is faulty (break of a winding or its short circuit on weight).
Existence of characteristic click of operation of the traction relay testifies to a podgoraniye of contacts of the relay or to failure of the starter.
It is possible to check operation of the electric motor of a starter short-term giving of tension, an additional wire of big section for contact of the traction relay from the electric motor. If the electric motor begins to work, means a cause of defect it is necessary to look for in the traction relay.

The starter rotates slowly and does not launch the engine
Can be the reasons: the discharged accumulator, too dense oil in the engine lubrication system, graphite brushes are insufficiently pressed to a starter electric motor collector, bad condition of a working surface of a collector and starter bearings are worn-out.

At an ignition key otpuskaniye from situation "launch of the engine" the starter continues to work 
Can be the reasons: sticking of contacts of the traction relay or malfunction of the lock of ignition at which it does not disconnect a starter chain.
In this case it is necessary to switch off immediately ignition and to switch-off the rechargeable battery then to eliminate malfunction.