VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
- 10. Suspension brackets
   + 10.1. Forward suspension bracket
   - 10.2. Back suspension bracket
      10.2.1. Technical characteristics
      10.2.2. General data
      10.2.3. Replacement of the hug bearing of a back wheel
      10.2.4. Pin of a back wheel
      10.2.5. Rack of a back suspension bracket
      10.2.6. Beam of a back suspension bracket
      10.2.7. Back suspension bracket of the all-wheel drive car (Syncro)
      10.2.9. System of self-alignment of a suspension bracket
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits


Repair Volkswagen Passat B3-B4/Passat B3-B4>> Suspension brackets>> Back suspension bracket>> Beam of a back suspension bracket
You make removal of a beam in the following order:
– record forward wheels, you will hang out and record a back part of the car on basic racks. Remove back wheels;
– disconnect cables of the emergency brake from back brake mechanisms and release a cable from clips on a beam;
– disconnect brake tubes from back brake mechanisms and points of fastening on a beam;
– establish jacks from two parties of a beam to support its weight;

Fig. 10.27. Arrangement of a nut of fastening of the lower part of a rack

– under the car, in an opening of an arm of a beam of a back suspension bracket establish a key on the nut (see fig. 10.27 ) clamping a bolt of the lower fastening of a rack turn off a bolt and take it from the lever;
– disconnect from a back beam of a rack;
– having noted situation, remove pressure regulator spring in the brake system from a suspension bracket;
– be convinced that all elements connected with a back beam are disconnected, and the back beam is reliably supported by jacks;
– turn off nuts of hinged bolts from each party of a beam, take bolts and lower a forward part of a beam;
– lower jacks and take a back beam from under the car;
– if rubber-metal plugs of fastening of a back beam are worn-out, they need to be replaced;

Fig. 10.32. Removal of an external part of the rubber-metal plug of fastening of a back beam

Fig. 10.33. Removal of an internal part of the rubber-metal plug of fastening of a back beam

– using the corresponding stripper, remove external, and then internal plugs ( fig. 10.32 and 10.33 );

Fig. 10.34. Correct position of the rubber-metal plug in a back beam

– lower new rubber-metal plugs in soap solution and, using a stripper, install plugs in a back beam ( fig. 10.34 );
– if replacement of an arm of fastening of a back beam is made, establish an arm at an angle to a beam (13 ° 30’ ±1 °).
You carry out installation to the sequences, the return to removal.
After installation of a back beam into place by hand put all bolts and the clamps then finally tighten them the regulated moment.
Remove air from the brake system and adjust the emergency brake.