VW Passat repair

+ 1. Ekspluatatsiiya of the car
- 2. Maintenance
   2.1. Frequency of maintenance
   - 2.2. The works performed at maintenance of the car
      Check of thickness of brake shoes
      Discharge of water from the fuel filter (on cars with diesel engines)
      Check of a state and replacement of hoses and sleeves
      Check of a condition of a suspension bracket and steering
      Check and replacement of spark plugs (petrol engines)
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Power supply system
+ 6. System of ignition
+ 7. Coupling
+ 8. Transmission
+ 9. Drive of forward wheels
+ 10. Suspension brackets
+ 11. Steering
+ 12. Brake system
+ 13. Wheels and tires
+ 14. Systems of heating, ventilation and conditioning
+ 15. Electric equipment
+ 16. Body
+ 17. Electric circuits


Repair Volkswagen Passat B3-B4/Passat B3-B4>> Maintenance>> The works performed at maintenance of the car>> Check of a state and replacement of hoses and sleeves
At emergence of leak of any liquid it is necessary to find the place of leak and to eliminate it. If it is impossible to define liquid type at once, then put the car on the parking for long time and enclose under it paper. It will help to find the place of leak and to identify liquid.
Some leaks, for example fuel leak, appear only during the operation of the engine. As fuel quickly evaporates, especially in a hot motor compartment, to find its leak very difficult until it does not become essential. The easiest to find leak right after launch of the cold engine.
Attentively check all rubber hoses and metal pipelines. Reveal weakening of connections, wear of hoses, twisting and corrosion of pipelines and other damages. At wear, damage of hoses and pipelines or corrosion of pipelines replace them. At detection of traces of brake fluid on pipelines of the brake system it is necessary to check operability of system.
Because of leakage of a vacuum hose of the amplifier of brakes efficiency of braking decreases. In this case it is necessary to replace it.